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Old 08-14-2009, 04:00 AM
axeline axeline is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 1
Default resume

Here's a guidelines for your concerns:

Never write more than two pages.

* Use a format that makes the resume inviting and easy-to-read.
* Think about your accomplishments, roles you’ve played, characters you’ve become.
* Tell the truth.
* Use buzzwords and keywords.
* If possible, tailor your resume for a specific job, not just a specific industry.
* Include computer proficiency levels for almost all jobs.
* Ensure all dates link up and leave no suspicious gaps if you are using a chronological format.
* Make sure your cover letter is as good as your resume.
* Practice your audition skills

Following these tips will surely make your resume stand out from the others and will give you an upper edge. Hence, increase your chances of getting recruited with the above tips.
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