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aboutjob 09-28-2006 04:42 AM

a question asked during a job interview. can anybody help?
1. Was there any big problem ever happened in your life?
2. Why you think it was a big problem to you?
3. How do you solve the problem?
4. What is your big learning from it?

Tsveta 09-28-2006 08:43 AM

I've never been asked such a question but I guess you have to figure out if you had such a problem in your life and explain how you dealt with it. They just want to see how you work under stress and how you handle difficult situations.

A similar question could be: What was the most difficult assignment you have completed?

aboutjob 09-28-2006 09:29 PM

thanks for your reply, tsveta.

the answer i gave the recruiter is that: the big problem in my life is passing an exam for a course which i have scarcely attended, then i used my methods and techniques and finally got through. and my "big learning" is: always know what resources you have and then make full use of them.

i know my anwser is not appropriate, but i can't find any better one. i don't remember if there is any "big problem" in my life, and even if there is, i believe i definitely could not get any what so called "big learning". maybe the biggest problem in my life is anwering this question so far.

actually, i am a student approaching an end for my master's degree. tsveta can you help me think of a "big problem" and a "big learning" appropriate for me? e.g. something stucked me in study or school/social activity, and how i tackled it wisely.

Tsveta 09-29-2006 08:45 AM

I think you've answered very well. Your problem is big enough for a student!
You are not a CEO to have BIG BIG problems. Your answer was appropriate.

RRCSTUDENT 09-29-2006 12:57 PM

Fabulous Answer Last Interview
First thing he asked was "Do you have any questions?" Well, I'm in Toastmaster's and something happened to the pin on my blazer. I was able to FIX it, but it got me wondering if they, Awards Canada, did any work with Toastmasters. I asked, and he wasn't expecting that question, and YES they do have a contract with Toastmasters International. Another good question is, "According to your web-site.......". That way it shows you checked out the company before you went in for the interview!

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